
Visit of Algerian delegation to Military Medical Academy

22. 06. 2011

After the official visit of a three-member delegation of Serbian Ministry of Defense, lead by Chief of the MMA Sector of Education and Scientific Research Work Colonel Professor Dr Predrag Romić, to the Directorate for Military Health Care Sector of DPR Algeria in May this year, followed a return visit of the Algerian delegation to the Military Medical Academy. 
Aside from Colonel Dr Ali Zitouni, Chief of Central Military Medical School of the Algiers Army, Algerian delegation also included Colonel Benhelil Mohamed Mostefa and Major Seles Redouane.
With a warm welcome, the three-member delegation was received by the Chief of MMA, Colonel Professor Dr Marijan Novaković with his associates, Colonel Doc Dr Dragan Dinčić and Colonel Professor Dr Predrag Romić.
Bearing in mind the interest and the intentions that the Algerian side already expressed during the previous visit of our delegation to Algiers, meaningful and successful talks were conducted on establishment of military medical cooperation, especially in sectors of education and scientific-research work. Air force medicine, military epidemiology and hygiene, ABHO protection, toxicology, medical service supplying and management in Military health-care sector were also areas in which the guests showed great interest. Aside from the desire to have their young medical staff get education in our country, a need was also shown for exchange of knowledge and experiences, as well as experts, and for a joint work in scientific-research projects.
After a visit to relevant organization units of MMA, in order to gain insight and see existing capacities and possibilities that MMA can offer in that sense, foundations of future cooperation of Medical services of two countries were agreed and established at the final talks. 

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